New Weekend Warrior Website
We’ve moved our site to This southern soccer site is here for a little while longer before everything moves over.
The 2025 Winter Weekend Warrior 7-aside Adult Soccer Tournament in Huntsville, AL is set for Feb 1st-2nd 2025! This tourney was established in 2007 and has divisions for every level of play. Feb, in Alabama? its not that bad, really – maybe its cold, maybe its awesome, maybe there is rain? We play on turf, so the show goes on. See below for rules, schedule, live updates, and more info on our Finals that will be played on Wicks Family Field at Joe Davis stadium!
The Weekend Warrior tournament has been around since 2007 and gets bigger and better each year! This Adult soccer tournament features the best fields and a nostalgic vibe that brings you back to the good old days. Great for team building and getting some quality games in.. Divisions should be available regardless of your teams skill-set, come out and enjoy some great soccer!