Just a place to put all the Huntsville Adult Soccer that is going on in the surrounding North Alabama area. Additionally, we have lots of teams that travel in to our tournaments, so we like to list their events here as well. If you have an event you’d like to see listed, let us know. Enjoy!
Huntsville Adult Soccer Leagues, Pickup, Tournaments
HASL – Huntsville Adult Soccer League was established in the early 80’s and is still going strong. Our tournaments depend on this league for players and are set up as pre-season tournament to get a few games in before league play starts. There are Open divisions that feature promotion/relegation each season, an Over-40, and a Women’s division. The league typically deals with captains, but has a free-agent pool that it distributes to captains periodically.
NA Futsal – Futsal league and tournament that has been around for a while. They’ve got a legit futsal court they play on and host league play regularly.
Wanna play? Sportsplex. – Recently built an outdoor arena and has regular pickup as well as league play going on.
Huntsville Soccer League – 7-aside/8-aside league that plays out on the turf fields at Merrimack
Huntsville Pickup Soccer – pick up soccer group on Facebook that is fairly active about posting pickup games.
NOW Soccer Academy – Has an indoor facility and hosts some regular Adult soccer leagues and tournaments. Right now, they are building out a full sized indoor arena that is going to be awesome! They are out in Madison close to the airport. Stay tuned to this one, as they’ve got big plans!
Our Upcoming Events & Tournaments
Feb Annual Weekend Warrior – It’s gonna be cold, but you’ll still be there. This tournament is pretty awesome.
July Annual 7-Aside – Playing under the lights on the turf fields, our summer tournament will get you ready for the upcoming fall season.
Other Local Links:
To Do…got some, send em to us! Decatur? Florence? Cullman?